A podcast where you join me (Bri!) as I chat to fellow slow travelers and digital nomads.
Adventurer by day, blogger by night. I've been slow traveling abroad for the last 8+ years and growing my travel blogs into my full-time biz. Let's chat!!
If this is your first time on this site, welcome!
My name is Brittany but most people call me Bri. Actually, add ‘Bucketlist’ to that and you’ve got my main muse—my travel and adventure blog—Bucketlist Bri.
I have had that blog since 2015, can you believe it?
But, back then, I wasn’t blogging under the name BB or even earning from my travel blog.
I was living in Kathmandu, Nepal at the time, and, having already started two successful niche blogs, I decided to start up another blog to act as my digital home.
On that blog—then-called Sharing Wanderlust, then Living with Wanderlust, then Bits of Bri, to finally Bucketlist Bri in 2019—I shared every personal quip and thought.
I blogged my favorite recipes, my internal struggles, my travel itineraries. It sounds like a cute online journal but it was a hellish mess, actually.
I didn’t know what I was doing career-wise.
Travel blogging “as a profession” and as a way to earn serious money was far from my mind, or reality.
So, let’s fast-forward to 2017. I was living in Colombia, South America for my master’s thesis research. I ended up publishing those itineraries on my blog and began to amass several hundred readers a month.
I thought, “Cool!”
But I didn’t hit the gas. Not yet.
It wasn’t until 2019, after living in Mexico for a year and volunteering with a local community center/NGO, that I decided to stop running from what was whispering to me—travel blogging—and stopped my pursuit of furthering my humanitarian education and career.
Another pivotal moment in my blog journey is, of course, 2020.
We all know what happened then!
But instead of “giving up,” I kept publishing.
And publishing, and publishing.
Until my traffic grew beyond 100,000 monthly page views. 🥳
This blogging course—and my blog coaching journey—began somewhere in between. About 2.5 years ago, a few girls I followed (and that followed me) asked me to coach them on how to be a blogger.
Essentially, how to do what I do!
I gladly accepted the invitation, and the challenge, and set out to start my own travel blog course.
The rest, you could say, is history but it wasn’t so easy.
First off, the course took months and months of daily dedication to build out.
I didn’t have a marketing plan or sales strategy in place and despite the excitement a core group of followers showed when I first launched, the first few hours were *crickets*.
But before the day was out… a sale! 🌟
No, not a sale.
A client, a friend.
And that’s how all my sales have been since—from fellow travelers who have followed my journey (my story!) of traveling, living abroad, and blogging about it all.
My first sign-up was Giselle from The Lover’s Passport, and when I asked her why she signed up when I launched she said, “Because every time I searched [a destination] to plan our trip, your blogs were the first ones ranking so I knew that you knew what you were doing!”
Fair enough!
I don’t know if I can wholeheartedly agree, as I still feel like I have a long life of learning when it comes to this industry.
And that’s why I love what I do.
It’s not to get rich quick, not to convince someone to buy my offer, not to exaggerate my success.
It’s to learn along the way and to simply share my story—the story I have always set out to share.
My goal with this blog course is to help you share yours, too.
Welcome to Bootstrap Blogging 💚
I’m so happy you’re here.
A podcast where you join me (Bri!) as I chat to fellow slow travelers and digital nomads.
Adventurer by day, blogger by night. I've been slow traveling abroad for the last 8+ years and growing my travel blogs into my full-time biz. Let's chat!!